The One Must-Have Gift for Christmas

If your email inbox is anything like mine is this time of year, then you too are being bombarded with electronic advertisements. Some companies seem to think that one message a day is not enough, so multiple messages (5+ a day) are sent with a myriad of catchy subject lines like: “Must-Have Gifts – For Fans of …”. Through these emails, companies attempt to inform us that something in our life would be missing if we don’t have whatever is being advertised. From the commercial side, this simply is not true. Life will go on even if we never acquire the worldly trinket being flashed before us.

However, there really is one must have gift that I wish more people were eager to seek after and receive. Unfortunately, all too often this present is overlooked because people are busy searching for the commercial one. Who can blame them? The world is constantly telling us to look out for number one, and that acquiring more stuff will somehow make us better. With the “it’s all about me” perception, it’s easy to be distracted and have unclear vision when we are focused on the wrong individual or object. Honestly, I think this is tragic, because the gift that is being overlooked truly is one-of-a-kind.

So what is this must-have gift that people overlook? It’s the gift of Jesus. He came into this world for us; to save us from ourselves, and He wants us to develop a relationship with Him. It’s because of His gift of life that all of the worldly treasures that man seeks after are rendered worthless. In fact, we are told in Ecclesiastes chapter 1:2 that earthly things are meaningless. Yet we continue our quest for meaningless objects and treat those acquired trinkets like gods. Where does that get us? Even Mark poses this same question in chapter 8 verse 36 (TLB), “And how does a man benefit if he gains the whole world [lots of stuff, money, objects] and loses his soul in the process?”

Furthermore, the Apostle Paul even admonishes Timothy to “Tell those who are rich not to be proud and not to trust in their money, which will soon be gone, but their pride and trust should be in the living God who always richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment” 1 Timothy 6:17 (TLB) . Truthfully, what does it matter if this year you get everything on your wish list, but don’t know the real reason for celebrating Christmas? The whole season then is pretty much pointless.

Now am I suggesting that gift giving or receiving is wrong? No, I am not saying that at all. But what I am proposing is that in the midst of this holiday season, we don’t lose sight of the real reason for Christmas. And since Jesus is the greatest gift that has ever been given, if you know Him personally, then why not share Him with someone today? If you don’t know Jesus on a personal level, today would be a great day to find out who He is. Honestly, in the long run, stuff is just stuff, and the lure and excitement of any newly acquired commodity will rub off. But Jesus, He is forever.  And His love and worth never fade.

Free image is from from

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