

How did I get here – to the state of blogging? I contemplated blogging for almost two years before I took a leap into the blog pool. After sixteen months of staring at an e-mail about blogging, I finally mustered enough courage to attend a blogging seminar. I spent another two months after the seminar talking myself into and then back out of blogging. The last few words uttered by the seminar speaker resonated within me until I finally took the plunge.

Why am I blogging? Honestly, I’ve been kind of shy about my writing, so I don’t talk about this topic too often. However, I do like to write and feel that I am being nudged to write more. My husband regularly tells me, “You’ve got to start somewhere,” so I thought this would be a good place to start.

What topics will I write about? Typically I use every day life events and weave encouragement through the stories I share. Sometimes I add scripture to these stories, and merge in ties to biblical characters. At times I will include poetry, photos with information of places that I visit, and interviews of interesting people that I meet. Other posts will include book reviews. Perhaps a few posts will also feature snippets of fiction.

What are the main goals for this blog? To encourage folks, make a difference in the lives of others, and help people smile. The most important thing that I hope to share with the reader is my absolute love for Christ. It is to Him that I dedicate every word I type.

Any parting thoughts? It takes a community of writers with different ideas and writing styles to tell the stories of the world. I am one in this vast community who hopes that you will stop by often and read a few anecdotes from along life’s way.

~ Jill Printzenhoff ~

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